Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Vaccine Religion

Our society is a theocracy of sorts. The national religion is vaccinology.

This belief system is a religious creed like all others. Adherents pledge allegiance to the all-powerful deity of public health policy and its host of infallible and inerrant pharmaceutical products.

In this cult of vaccine worship, everyone must be forcibly converted. There is no place for infidels.

No one is permitted to question the risks or efficacy of vaccines. Any evidence suggesting otherwise is suppressed and denied.

"Safe and effective" is the mantra in this religion. Everyone must chant this phrase repetitively any time a vaccine is questioned. It wards off the "anti-vax" vampires.

With a presumption of faultless perfection, every vaccine is "safe until proven unsafe." And of course, no vaccine can ever be proven unsafe. That's impossible.

Freedom is sacrificed on the altar of public health, and there can be no independence. Rather, everyone must submit to total dependency on pharmaceutical products. No one may depend on their own immune systems any longer. Such heresy is strictly forbidden.

Medical mainstream and media function like ministries. Their job is to indoctrinate the masses of worshipers and enforce 100% adherence to all the religion's dictates.

Every child is initiated into a life of subservience to the cult by getting a dose of the hepatitis-B vaccine at birth. In this supreme act of selfless devotion, parents offer their child up to the Deity of Vaccinology by vaccinating their newborn infant for a disease which poses absolutely no risk to him. Indeed, vaccines are not really about actual risks or benefits. It's about submission to the g-ds of Public Health who rule by divine right. 

When a child dies or suffers lifelong injury at the hand of an all-powerful vaccine, this consequence is accepted in reverence and unwavering faith. It's par for the course, the parents are told. The child died the death of a martyr. His life was sacrificed to hallow and praise the venerated name of vaccination. If the death or injury is too gruesome, then adherents are reminded that vaccines are incontrovertibly "safe and effective," and that correlation should never be confused with causation. This "Truth" is immutable and may NEVER be questioned.

Much like the golden calf of Biblical fame, the idolized vaccine narrative is fashioned out of gold, i.e. the rich profit margins of pharmaceutical robber barons.

Led by High Priest Fauci, the priestly class consists of pharma-funded state officials who piously impose vaccine policies on all.

A fatwa is declared on any doctor who dares to question the dogma. Her blasphemies are promptly censored and denounced. Ultimately, the unrepentant rebel is excommunicated and stripped of her medical license wherever possible.

"Anti-vaxxers" are the ultimate villain of this religious creed. They must be eliminated at all costs. The children of these incorrigible infidels must be banned from school, vilified and shunned from society.

Covid is the holy grail of the vaccine cult and its prized possession. It has enabled the religion to expand its reach and exact retribution against all unvaccinated heathens. Thanks to covid, such miscreants can now be banned from flights, concerts, cruises, banks, gyms, supermarkets, and many more public venues than ever dreamed possible. Surely most will be beaten to submission, and the rest will have no choice but to live on reservations or camps for such untouchables.

This is a glorious time for the unstoppable cult of vaccination, that is surely on its way to becoming the Sole Major World Religion.

All other religions have been deemed "non-essential" anyway, thanks to covid dogma.

Are you ready to bow before the Cult?

Ready to be vaccinated or be vacated?


  1. Well written. Love this comparison.

  2. As a Torah teacher and wife of a shul Rabbi, I don’t understand the value of this article. We KNOW what’s happening and are incapable of stopping them. As was try with the Hellenist, the inquisition, the Russians and the nazis. Our heroic response has always been Torah and mitzvot , with dedication and often joy. The job of a Rabbi , I believe , is to guide people how to fulfil our mission

    1. The purpose of this article is to shake people who have fallen prey to this cult from their trance so they may begin once again, to serve the Creator.

  3. It takes bravery for any rabbi to 'sound the shofar" as a watchman would so Am Israel can be prepared the *next* time someone comes to imprison or kill us. Apparently some members of the 'tribe' must be reminded of what 'Never Again' means from time to time....even a rebbitizin.

  4. It takes bravery for any rabbi to 'sound the shofar" as a watchman would so Am Israel can be prepared the *next* time someone comes to imprison or kill us. Apparently some members of the 'tribe' must be reminded of what 'Never Again' means from time to time....even a rebbitizin.
