Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Time to Choose

To all my friends who accept the covid narrative and believe that the government is sincerely trying to keep you safe from an allegedly deadly coronavirus:

Please be advised:

Discriminatory "Vaccine Passports" are here, just as I predicted many months ago. In the very near future, non-vaccinated people will no longer be able to travel, attend gyms, theaters, and other public places, work, or even shop for essentials like food. They will soon be regarded as untouchables, prohibited from attending school or participating in society, stripped of all rights and civil liberties.

HIPAA laws, right to informed consent, Nuremburg Code, First Amendment, etc, are all things of the past. Covid has vanquished them all.

Of course, this comes as no surprise. It has obviously been their agenda from day one.

When I began to voice my dire predictions, most of you shook your head in disbelief. Some of you called me eccentric and divisive, accused me of spreading conspiracy theories. Some of you called me 'anti-science' and stopped following me.

Some friends tried to assure me that such human rights abuses would never happen here in the USA.

Oy. How wrong you were.

Let it be known that I am NOT happy to have been proven right.

I get ZERO satisfaction by being vindicated as my predictions materialize.

I do NOT feel the slightest gratification by saying "I told you so" since I truly wish it weren't so. I am deeply aggrieved that it is so.

Moreover, I am solemnly anticipating the next phase of tyranny once we transition from medical apartheid to full-blown police state.

Brace yourselves for mass-marginalization, deportations, door-to-door coerced injections, sterilization, starvation, and all other "public health measures" that are ready to appear on the horizon.

For all you covid believers, please accept my sincere words of rebuke:

You stood by silently and complicity while this all unraveled before your very eyes.

You cooperated with everything.
You masked.
You ran to get injected.
You posted a photo on social media boasting compliance with your 'civic duty.'
You ridiculed noncompliant folks like me.

You stood by silently while your govt and media stifled dissent and suppressed information.

You were silent when Jews were banned from synagogue, when women were banned from using the mikva, when children banned from attending Talmud Torah.

You voiced no protest when elders were condemned to loneliness and solitude, when millions were reduced to poverty and government dependency.

You shook your head pityingly when I was deplatformed and censored by social media and corrupt Chabad leadership. You nodded in tacit approval.

You were unmoved by the blatant lies, censorship, bias, intimidation, and control grab.

You rationalized it all thinking that it was truly for the alleged benefit of public health.

You are still silent even now as I write these sobering words. You remain in denial, blissfully ignorant of the dire consequences of your silence. You desperately cling to the utopian illusion fed by your intense normalcy bias.

Most of you won't even read this till the end because it's too disturbing for your idyllic tunnel-vision world view.

The truth hurts, doesn't it?

Please understand:

I do not judge you for your silence or complicity. You were misled and indoctrinated by the very institutions upon which you had so innocently relied. Your trust was cynically exploited. Your altruistic compassion was weaponized against you and your loved ones whom you thought you were protecting.

No, I cannot judge you for grave errors of the past.

Instead, I urgently plead with you to stop drinking the kool-aid starting from RIGHT NOW.

Please wake up.

There is no time left for complacency.

Do not let them entice you any longer with the false hope of "returning to normal."

If you continue to comply, 'normal' will be gone forever.

The current "excelsior passport" phase is indeed a one-way passport that leads to nowhere but totalitarian tyranny with no return.

The Time of Redemption is here and now.

Will you be part of the Redemption or do you cling to Exile and bondage?

With whom will you cast your lot? With tyrants? Or with the persecuted minority, huddled masses who yearn to breathe free?

Will you be part of a great exodus or do you choose to remain enslaved to Big Brother and Big Pharma?

Choose wisely, as there is no turning back.


  1. Thanks for commenting, Larry. I am diametrically opposed to private businesses adopting any such discriminatory and exclusionary policy. Houses of worship that do so should lose their 501C3 status.

  2. Thanks so much Rabbi. Yes, Unfortunately you were correct at all levels. Israel has already implemented the vile green passport that is all too reminiscent of another time in Jewish history. The health care measures never made sense and worse of all failed to include a required risk benefit analysis. The apparent "vaccine" was never deemed safe by the FDA-it is authorized but not approved. Authorization is essentially an acknowledgment that the product is not known to be safe. Indeed injury reports from Israel and other places indicate that the product is harming people and that the harm is silenced. Terrible times. Thanks for your courage and imporant work.

  3. The White House is stressing that it won’t back any system “that requires Americans to carry a credential” to show they’ve been vaccinated.

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki says “there will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.”


  4. Here's another piece of evidence that President Biden's administration has no intention of mandating vaccine passports:

    This development was hinted at over the weekend, when Anthony Fauci said he doubted the federal government would play much of a role in implementing vaccine passports. Maybe that was just a very educated guess, though it's more probable he had insider information. In any event, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said on Tuesday: "There will be no federal vaccinations database and no federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential."

    That means that the matter will be left up to the states and/or private businesses. So, Republicans should be thrilled, right, since they are big fans of states' rights and of the free market? Maybe not so much. What we're seeing right now can only be described as vast overreactions from the right (to the point that they might even be called hysteria)


  5. Larry, yes, this tyranny will be imposed at state level. This is not about state's rights or free market but about apartheid, discrimination, and coercion. Biden already has aligned himself on the wrong side by unjust mask order on federal property. It's all downhill from there.

  6. Well, and powerfully said. Thank you.

  7. Rabbi Green - Do you feel it would be useful to gather a force of people to fight this? Many Chassidim understand what's happening. If we could awaken the large number of assimilated Jews (who are going like sheep to the slaughter) it would be a big sea change! Maybe some community conversations among our own people?

  8. lisa@lisajanelipkin.comApril 8, 2021 at 6:05 PM

    Do you think having community conversations: awake Jew to sleeping Jew might help? I would be interested in helping create those.
