Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Chanukah is Education

Did you know that Chanukah is all about education?

While chanukah is generally translated "dedication," it comes from the root chinuch, which also means "education."

Indeed, the story of Chanukah contains a invaluable lesson in education for our times.

The holy temple had been hijacked and contaminated by a foreign secularist agenda and G-dless values. It needed to be purified and rededicated. The candelabra was lit with just one day's worth of pure unadulterated olive oil that miraculously lasted eight days, a metaphor for eternity. A fitting rededication indeed. Hence "chanukah."

So too with regards to education.

Much like the holy temple, each child's right to an education is inviolable and sacrosanct.

In recent times, our society, media, and schools have been hijacked and contaminated with foreign Marxist agenda and G-dless values. The precious minds of our young are under assault.

We need to rededicate our efforts to educate our children, free of impure and benighted foreign influence.

The far-reaching effects of education are unfathomable. It affects all future generations. We cannot afford to allow our precious children to be subjected to unspeakable ideological subversion.

We must rise to the occasion and take back our schools from government and dubious funding sources.

We must illuminate the young minds of our youth with unadulterated and pure knowledge based on timeless Torah values.

If we insist on the finest and purest for our children, G-d will respond by blessing our efforts with miraculous success that will surely last in perpetuity.

Happy Chanukah.

Happy rededicating and happy educating.

1 comment:

  1. I find it very ironic that the COVID vaccine has come out for public use DURING Hanukkah. You used the exact words "The holy temple had been hijacked and contaminated by a foreign secularist agenda and G-dless values. It needed to be purified and rededicated." If one sees the body as the holy temple, as I do, then this is exactly what is happening: our bodies are being hijacked and contaminated by a foreign vaccine, that is given under a foreign agenda, that goes against G-d's values. The public shaming of those who don't choose to get the vaccine infers that those people are selfish, unpure, and need to be convinced otherwise. VERY TELLING!
