Friday, April 16, 2021

Say No to Human Sacrifice

Whoever offers their child up to "modern medicine" to receive the experimental injection is a modern-day idol worshipper engaging in human sacrifice.

You are no different than the pagan who offered his child to the fires of Molekh for some perceived “greater good.”

You’re not just an accomplice to the immolation and slaughter of your own child. You’re an accomplice to mass murder of millions of innocent children who will die from this lethal injection because of your participation in this depraved human experimentation.

Remember the angel’s stern warning to Abraham:

“Do not stretch forth your hand against the lad, nor do the slightest thing to him.” [1]

He is not yours. You may not offer him up as a human experiment without his informed consent. He is a minor.

G-d entrusted him in your care to protect and nurture him, not to jeopardize his life to satisfy your devout zeal and servitude to the deity of “public health.”

Stop being a religious extremist and start being a parent.

Say no to human sacrifice.



[1] Genesis 22:12


  1. Thank you Rabbi Green! Thank you for being a modern day Mordechai.

  2. Thank you Rabbi Green! Thank you for being a modern day Mordechai.
