Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Religious Exemption to Mandatory Vaccination?

Are you human?

Then you have an automatic Religious Exemption to vaccines. You were endowed this waiver at birth by your Divine Creator.

In fact, it's not even "religious" per se. It's a quintessential human right. It's called body sovereignty.

Every human being is entitled to the inviolable right to decline any medical procedure or needle jab, especially one that carries even the slightest risk, irrespective of its alleged benefits to society, real or imagined.

To be precise, you should not even need an "exemption." Every shot should be voluntary. The very notion of a mandatory vaccine policy is immoral, an anathema to core American values, and a grave violation of the Nuremberg Code.

However, due to unprecedented tyranny in recent times, we are shockingly being asked to "prove" and validate our religious grounds to decline any or all vaccines.

If you'd like to learn more about what Judaism has to say on this matter, I am here to help.

If you're interested in learning more about religious exemption to mandatory vaccination, you are welcome to sign up to my upcoming zoom meeting (Wednesday, June 9th, 8pm) on this topic. You can register at tinyurl.com/ReligiousExemptionLetters

Likewise, if you are clergy and are being asked by your community members for assistance with regard to religious exemption but need some guidance, you are welcome to join this workshop as well.

Please sign up on link above.

If you cannot join this Wednesday, you are welcome to sign up for my email list at tinyurl.com/rabbigreenlist


  1. You are a good man.

  2. I also agree that you are a good man and may God Bless and protect you and your loved ones always.

  3. Hi, I am Catholic and I'd like to know how can my son get a letter of religious exemption for college. They are asking to students to get vaccinated before September here in NJ. Thanks

  4. Hi Rabbi Green, I am married with two young children, one of which is about to be school age, and living in NYC. Though I would prefer to homeschool, I don't think that will be feasible just yet and my wife and I really don't want either of our children getting jabbed with the experimental drugs or many of the other jabs.

    I love synchronicity and I genuinely feel like our Creator presented me with your services since my wife has been nagging me for a while now to figure out how we can avoid jabbing our children and them still being able to go to school.

    Anyways, if there is a better way for us to discuss the religious exemptions for the Covid jab (and ideally others like the MMR), please let me know. Thank you for what you're doing.



  5. There exists a satanic evil in this world which we have been taught to disregard as superstitious nonsense. Yet our tribal forebears (of all human tribes) held a deep and innate understanding of this evil force, this Demonic presence which has ruled our human world for millennia. Elements of this ruling force call themselves "jews" but are not. They are of the devil's synagogue.

  6. Just got email stating my workplace, while not requiring it yet, are looking into making it a condition for employment. I can't afford to quit but do NOT want this. This can't be legal.

  7. Rabbi, I read that you will grant a vaccine exemption to everyone. Thank you! You're awesome! Would you mind writing an exemption for my wife? We both were born in tyrrany in the Soviet Union, and now it came here.

  8. Mike, please enter your email address at tinyurl.com/RabbiGreenList and we can discuss by email.

  9. How can we get an excemption letter please?

  10. Rabbi Green, I thank you so much for doing this!!! Reading about you and what you think about this immoral vaccine policies makes me feel that I have a hope. Rabbi Konikov from Chabad of Fort Lee highly recommend you and told me to contact you. My daughter is going to Columbia University and they have a mandatory vaccination policy. She will not be able to sign into classes or even go to campus if she is not vaccinated. We desperately need your help. How could she get a religious exemption.

  11. To AG, Fabby, KNG, and all others:

    My apologies that I do not know how to leave a comment to your comments, but can only leave a new comment here.

    Please sign up at tinyurl.com/religiousexemptionletters and I will email you a link for our next zoom meeting on the topic of religious exemption letters.

    That way you will have my email address and you'll know how I can assist you.

    Unfortunately I'd rather not post my email address here publicly. As you could imagine, I attract lots of hecklers and trouble makers.

    ומסיימים בטוב

  12. Please help Rabbi
    My daughter is being told by her employer that the shot is mandatory on Sept 1.
    i read that you will help with a religious exemption for any faith. Please help her. What does she have to do?
    thank you Deb

  13. Hi Rabbi
    I came across that you will help with religious exemptions for any faith. My daughter's employer is making the shot mandatory on Sept 1. Please let us know what she needs to do to get a religious exemption from you. Please help
    thanks Deb

  14. Dear Deb,
    Please sign up at tinyurl.com/religiousexemptionletters and I'll email you instructions

  15. They have now mandated this vaccine at my federal job and I am having to apply for a religious exemption. Tyranny from above for people just trying to do their job well.
