Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Protest the Prime Minister's Hate Speech

On behalf of world Jewry, I must voice my most vehement protest to the shockingly divisive and insolent words spoken by Israel’s Prime Minister this past Thursday, and then brazenly reiterated yesterday.

At this perilous time, it is more critical than ever before in history to preserve the unity of our people at all costs.

We may NEVER exclude a Jew from entering a synagogue or study hall, or from participating in public prayer or Torah study, which is the inviolable birthright of every single Jew from infancy, תורה ציוה לנו משה מורשה קהילת יעקב, and even before that, from his mother’s womb, as saintly women in Jewish history regularly attended study halls so that their unborn fetuses could hear the sweet words of Torah study.

A synagogue is the home of every single Jew without exception. מה טובו אוהליך יעקב משכנותיך ישראל.

“How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel.”

Our prayers are incomplete if even a single member of the community is excluded, and even sinners must join us in person in order for our prayers to be heard on high.

Any effort to exclude Jews from synagogue is a grave and unprecedented assault on the integrity and unassailable unity of the Jewish People, both in the Land of Israel and worldwide.

In their self-righteous hysteria for so-called public health, such foolhardy policies that attempt to divide and alienate fellow Jews only serves to jeopardize the actual health and security of Israel by violating the true secret of our strength, our unity.

Because of our sins we were exiled from our Land. מפני חטאינו גלינו מארצנו.

Such hate speech against fellow Jews serves only to perpetuate the reason we exiled in the first place, senseless hatred.

Not only is this an egregious assault on our unity, but it is a grave breach of Torah values. Attempting to prevent a Jew from attending synagogue or study hall reeks of a גזירת שמד, a decree against Torah observance.

As a lifelong emissary and disciple of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I must invoke his timeless words:

There are three שלימויות, three things whose completeness must be preserved no matter what:

1. Completeness of the People, שלימות העם

2. Completeness of the Torah, שלימות התורה

3. Completeness of the Land, שלימות הארץ

Such divisive rhetoric and unjust policy is denigrating and jeopardizing both שלימות העם AND שלימות התורה.

People of Israel:

Do not believe your compromised leadership and false prophets who promise you safety and a “return to normal” but only if you tolerate their tyranny, marginalization and abuse against individuals who refuse to comply with their unjust experimental injection.

Do not be fooled by the false sense of security that they promise you if you only will continue to comply.

They cannot and will not accomplish anything good by denigrating and being פוגע in שלימות העם and שלימות התורה.

Do not believe their lies and utter falsehoods. Do not accept their tyrannical policies that are based on skewed data, censorship, and suppression.

Hundreds of independent scientists and medical experts in Israel and worldwide, have cautioned against the grave mortal risks of this injection.

Hundreds of leading rabbanim and Torah scholars have categorically prohibited its use.

The despotic government is attempting to sideline all these experts, threatening to marginalize and alienate all the Jews who heed these rabbis in accordance with genuine Judaic law.

This is a shockingly unprecedented assault on Judaism and the Jewish community, attempting to rent asunder our people into two camps, the majority against the minority. The Torah exhorts us לא תתגודדו לא תעשוהו אגודות אגודות – do NOT split the Jewish community into separate camps at odds, forcing nonvaccinated Jews to form shuls of their own.

Such brazen divisiveness has not been seen since the dark days of Sabbateans and Frankists, may their names be erased, and it is now the time for all of us – both those who succumbed to injection and those who resist injection – to come together for the sake of the survival of our people.

DO not allow them to subvert our values and claim “pikuach nefesh” to justify their dark deeds. It’s PRECISELY the opposite:

Pikuach nefesh of six million Jews hangs perilously in the balance, specifically DUE to their unprecedented assault on our unity, our religion, our freedom, and on individual rights.

We cannot allow politicians to recklessly compromise on שלימות התורה and שלימות העם and put us all in great existential danger.

To the Prime Minister and the government of Israel, we say:

ENOUGH! Your days of tyrannizing our people is OVER. We demand an end to these intolerable policies and hate speech. We will NOT comply.

You will NOT succeed, and justice WILL be served.

You have been warned.

To the people of Israel, I conclude:

Let us all strengthen our Emunah and bitachon in בורא עולם ומנהיגו, in the Healer of all flesh, to protect us from all ailments and risks, both real and imagined

Strengthen your immune system with natural healing methods that have been tried and proven for centuries and millennia, not with high-tech genetic implants that cause blood clots, neurological damage, reproductive problems, and death.

STOP complying with state-sponsored apartheid policies that unjustly divide us and marginalize healthy Jews from synagogue and beit midrash.

Resist, in the name of the Torah and for the sake of Am Yisrael.

And surely Hashem will bless our efforts and our moral fortitude, and the truth prevail, since אמת מארץ תצמח – the truth with emerge to the entire world from THE Land, ארץ,

I.e. ארצנו הקדושה, our holy land, that by us preserving the integrity of שלימות התורה and שלימות העם, we will have true שלימות הארץ, territorial integrity of our holy land, and we’ll surely return to G-d’s Holy Home atop the Temple Mount, in the Third Beit Hamikdash, may it be rebuilt in the most immediate future. Amen.


  1. It isn't clear if the new person 'guiding' the State of Israel did reveal his evil decree for 'attending synagogue' in groups of less than 100 people at a time, or if, hopefully not – it was meant even for smaller gatherings. Either way, this fallacy has to come to an end – and the more people that do their research and discover the criminality of falsifying responsible science that is being done for the sake of vaccine patent money and not much more, they will feel better empowered to resist this stupidity and vote these scoundrels out of office.

  2. Yes God is in control, and Mesaya is coming be ready.

  3. I just watched R’ Green’s interview with R’ Chananya Weissman, and would just like to point out that he may be (not “is” but “may be”) mistaken about some vaccines, as research indicates…

    However, if Pharma companies stop making the couple/few actually beneficial vaccines in a way that ensures their safety and effectiveness, then at that point, they will all become problematic.

    For those who aren’t aware, here are 4 doctors trying to make a positive difference in Israel.

    Thank you R’ Green for adding yourself to those, sadly few, who are speaking out.

    Wishing you success!

    Yonason Hyland
