Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Defying Mainstream Tyranny


All Hebrew baby boys had to be 'mainstreamed' into Nile-policy compliance without exception. No exemptions were granted. [1]

Nearly all parents submitted... they were in deNile.
One brave mother dared to defy the mainstream trend.

She cited religious exemption and kept her child home for as long as possible. Then she built him an ark so he'd survive, just like Noah survived the surging mainstream trends of his day. She preferred to surrender him to nature (i.e. Divine providence) before subjecting him to mainstream submersion. [2]

This child grew up to be a conscientious objector to slavery and took bold action to stop authoritarian abuse of human rights, at great personal sacrifice. [3]

He and his brother were not afraid of speaking truth to power. Citing their G-d-given right to religious freedom, they challenged the mightiest tyrant on earth and liberated their people for all time.

Together with his brother and sister, he led his people though the wilderness to freedom.

All because their mother would not submit to the dominant mainstream narrative.

And in our turbulent times, the heroic Yocheveds among us are fearlessly building their arks, prepared to sacrifice everything to protect their young.

But what can be done to save all the other children from mainstream a-Nile-ation?

Who will stand up in defense of the children?

Who will insist on defending our religious liberties that hang perilously in the balance?

Who will speak truth to power and liberate our enslaved people from the grips of tyranny, an authoritarian assault that has no precedent nor parallel in all annals of history?

Who will be today’s Moses’ and Aarons’ if not we?

[1] Exodus 1:22
[2] Ibid 2:2-3
[3] Ibid 2:12


  1. Will there really be 5,000 or more indoor attendees?

  2. Thank you for this post, which I found under your video where you speak about the Jewish view on masks. (https://www.rodefshalom613.org/2020/10/is-it-halachic-to-wear-a-mask/).
    How beautiful to hear your words and know that you are a true man of G-d, sharing the truth to those who have the ears to hear and the heart to abide. Blessings to you and may G-d deliver us so that we see with the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
    Ginger S.
    Norwood, NY
