Mikey doesn't like it!
Some of this new terminology is simply inaccurate.
For example, when my daughter writes
"LOL," which presumably means "laugh out loud," did she
really laugh aloud? Usually not. Not even a quiet chuckle.
(Oops, I meant "when my
daughter 'types.'" No one writes anymore. On further thought, she doesn't
really "type" either. What's the correct verb? Texts? Swipes?
Punches keys? Actually, it's more like screen tapping. Another correction: she
doesn't write "LOL," but "lol." Who uses capitals anymore?)
When you "friend" someone
on social media, are you truly befriending him or her? Or are you merely giving
that individual permission to view a virtual profile, which really amounts to no more than some electronic ones and zeroes on some unknown computer server
somewhere in the world. Does that constitute "friendship?"

When you "like" someone's
post, do you really like it? Someone recently posted frightening
information about a gruesome terror attack. I was shocked to read below that
this posting received numerous "likes" from well-intentioned
individuals who are obviously repulsed by the content of the article.
When you originally "like"
something but on second thought "unlike" it, does that mean you
dislike it?
Hey, this just gave me a great idea
for a new television commercial for Life Cereal, new-and-improved for the
internet era. Instead of all the time-consuming footage of Mikey eating the
cereal and being observed incredulously by his brothers, the scene can present
Mikey "liking" it on social media. "Hey! Mikey 'likes' it!"
That's much more cool and contemporary, anyhow.
This hits rather close to home for
me, as I grew up in the '70s being called Mikey, and by default,
"liked" everything. (Everything except for avocado, that is. Yuck. I
never cared much for Life Cereal, either.) But now, over a third of a century
later, I cannot get myself to "like" anything, even posts that I do
in fact like.
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