Sound the Shofar of Freedom
Three times daily we implore G-d in prayer:
"Sound the great shofar for our freedom."
As we prepare to sound the shofar and usher in the new Jewish year this Sunday, it's high time we assess the precarious state of freedom in our present day.
In case you haven't been paying attention, freedom is in serious jeopardy here in the United States and around the world.
Fear and dread are historic ways with which tyrants have exploited populations to willingly cede their freedoms.
Pandemic panic and pandemonium have recently accomplished just that. Quicker than you can say "social distancing," government has already begun to encroach on our precious freedoms in ways hitherto unimaginable.
Without any strict scrutiny, the state has shut down our houses of worship, banned our gatherings, violated our bodily autonomy, forcing masks on our faces, all without providing a shred of scientific evidence that asymptomatic carriers pose significant risk to anyone. And they are poised to do much more... brace yourselves for adult vaccine mandates.
Truth be told, this sort of medical tyranny is not without precedent.
For years, government has enforced a mandatory vaccine policy on school-age children while we were asleep at the wheel. They threw us a doggy bone. "Religious exemption" was the paltry concession prize we were "benevolently" rewarded for tolerating their benign despotism.
And in recent months and years, just before the Wuhan virus was unleashed, states began to take back these religious exemptions, by default forcing all children to comply with their mandated vaccine policies without exception.
Of course, the state had no right to meddle with religious freedom, since the First Amendment was inviolable to begin with. In past articles [1], I've lamented the grave injustice of vaccine mandates altogether.
In the spirit of sounding the Shofar of freedom, let's make it known to all that Judaism strongly advocates medical choice.
Vaccination must be a choice. It may not be coerced.
If you want 99% vaccination compliance, move to Communist China. It's unattainable here in Land of the Free.

- glyphosates
- fluoride
- aluminum adjuvants
- thimerosal mercury
- dna from murdered human beings in a cruel procedure of live dissection,
- substances that carry risks of carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, infertility
- substances that haven't been evaluated for carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, infertility
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