Monday, March 15, 2021

Timely Advice from the Rebbe: Avoid Experimental Drugs!


On this day 69 years ago, the Lubavitcher Rebbe wrote:

2 Nissan 5712

Peace and blessing!

[This is] in response to your letter from 23 Adar, in which you wrote to me that you had read in the newspaper that a new medicine for paralysis has been developed in the United States, discovered by a certain doctor in St. Louis, and you asked my opinion about this.

According to what I was able to find out, this is not a tested or proven medicine. And in fact, it's not [really] a medicine, but only eases the symptoms. There is also room for concern since these are potent injections which carry possible risk of injury, etc.

Based on this, it is my opinion that it is not worthwhile to rely on the information we're hearing and take measures which entail the aforementioned concerns. 

G-d will send healing through another medium, and you'll soon be able to send me good tidings about this.

With blessings for the Passover holiday to be kosher and truly happy, both for you and for your whole family, especially your grandson and parents, may they all live [and be well].

M Schneerson


Anonymous said...

I'm curious if there's any data on what this treatment might have been.
Polio was pretty big around than, any chance it was something for polio?

mg said...

Amazing! This timely letter should have been made public months ago. Thank you for posting!

mg said...

Amazing! This timely letter should have been made public months ago. Thank you for posting!

mg said...

Amazing! This timely letter should have been made public months ago. Thank you for posting!

Unknown said...

Rabbi Green, although the Rebbe's advice is always Timely, I suspect the situation in 1952 was quite a bit different from today's. First of all, the drugs nowadays are real medicine, real vaccines, and not just to relieve symptoms. And also, there have been tens of thousands probably hundreds of thousands if not even millions of tests run already both in the United States, Israel, and elsewhere, proving their effectiveness. I would think these vaccines have left the experimental stage and would now be acceptable to the Rebbe's standards.

GP said...

There have not been millions of tests. There have been millions of injuries.

Faigie Carmel said...

And they are not real vaccines. The FDA still considers the covid vaccines experimental treatment.

Faigie Carmel said...

Also, they are not real vaccines. Still experimental.

Faigie Carmel said...

Although, to the general public they are presented as such. Most of us do not have access to the company's description of the product, or the FDA's product description. Your comment reflects the way the product is being presented to the public, and the reason why so many people don't take a pause before getting the shot.

Unknown said...

6 months for tests not enough, vaccines been tested for years...

brian trappler said...

In fact, the data we do have regarding side effects of this Covid shot demonstrates that it's more than potential risk. Thousands of recipients have been killed and seriously injured.

brian trappler said...

I previosly commented that the risk of adverse reactions to Covid Shots was based on objective reports, not merely potential.
This is one of my sources:

Boruch Hoffinger said...

These mRNA shots can never be a vaccine. These shots are a different technology. They are called Gene Therapy, & many say Bioweapons.