Tuesday, July 27, 2021

מחאה לדברי ראש הממשלה


בשם יהדות העולם, אני חייב להשמיע את מחאתי ולמחות בכל התוקף למילותיו המפלגות והמזעזעות להפליא, של ראש ממשלת ישראל ביום חמישי האחרון, ושוב, בשיא החוצפה, חזר על דבריו ביום ראשון.

בתקופה הנוכחית, חשוב מאי פעם, לשמור על אחדות עמנו בכל מחיר.

אסור לנו לעולם, למנוע מיהודי כניסה לבית כנסת, לבית מדרש, או לכיתת לימוד, או מלהשתתף בתפילה בציבור או בלימוד התורה ברבים, כיוון שזו זכותו המקודשת מלידה של כל יהודי מינקות. "תורה ציווה לנו משה מורשה קהילת יעקב" ואף קודם לכן, עוד מרחם אמו, כידוע שנשים צדקניות בהיסטוריה היהודית באו באופן קבוע לבית המדרש, כדי שהעוברים שבכריסן  יוכלו לשמוע את המילים המתוקות של לימוד תורה ברבים.

בית כנסת הוא ביתו של כל יהודי ללא יוצא מן הכלל. "מה טובו אוהליך יעקב משכנותיך ישראל".

תפילותינו אינן שלמות אם אפילו אחד מבני הקהילה אינו נכלל, ואפילו חייבים לשתף את פושעי ישראל להצטרף אלינו בתפילותינו, כדי שתפילתנו תישמע במרומים.

כל מאמץ להדיר יהודים מבית הכנסת מהווה מתקפה חמורה וחסרת תקדים על שלמותו ואחדותו הבלתי ניתנת לערעור של העם היהודי, בארץ ישראל ובעולם כולו.

בהיסטריה וקנאות שלהם לדאוג לבריאות הציבור כביכול, במדיניות המטופשת שמנסה לפלג ולהרחיק בין יהודים, הם מצליחים רק לסכן את בריאותה וביטחונה של ישראל בפועל, על ידי הפרת הסוד האמיתי של כוחנו, שהוא באחדותנו.

"מפני חטאינו גלינו מארצנו".

נאום שנאה כזה נגד יהודים משמש רק להנצחת הסיבה שבגינה גלינו מלכתחילה, שנאת חינם, שנאה חסרת טעם.

לא זו בלבד שזו מתקפה חמורה על אחדותנו, אלא זו גם פגיעה חמורה בערכי התורה. הניסיון למנוע מיהודי להגיע לבית הכנסת או לכיתת הלימוד, מריח כמו גזירת שמד נוסח אנטיוכוס, אדריינוס ובולשבקים ימ"ש, גזירה נגד קיום מצוות התורה וקיום עמנו.

כשליחו וכתלמידו של הרבי מליובאוויטש, עלי להעלות את דבריו הנצחיים:

יש שלוש שלמויות, שלושה דברים שיש לשמור על שלמותם ולא משנה מה, ושלשתם תלויים זה בזה:

1. שלמות התורה

2. שלמות העם

3. שלמות הארץ

 רטוריקה מפלגת ומדיניות כה בלתי צודקת פוגעות בשלמות העם וגם בשלמות התורה.

 עם ישראל!

שמעו נא דבריי.

 אל תאמינו למנהיגות המסוכנת ולנביאי השקר שמבטיחים לכם ביטחון ו"חזרה לשגרה", רק אם אתם מוכנים לקבל את עריצותם, את דחיקתם לשוליים ואת ההתעללות באנשים המסרבים לקבל את זריקת הניסוי הבלתי מוצדקת שלהם.

 אל תטעו בתחושת הביטחון הכוזבת שהם מבטיחים לכם, אם רק תמשיכו לציית.

 הם לא יכולים ולא ישיגו שום דבר טוב על ידי השמצה ועל ידי פגיעה בשלמות העם ושלמות התורה.

 אל תאמינו לשקרים ולכזבים המוחלטים שלהם. אל תקבלו את מדיניות העריצות שלהם, המבוססת על נתונים מוטים, צנזורה ודיכוי.

 מאות מדענים עצמאיים ומומחי רפואה בישראל ובעולם הזהירו מפני הסיכונים הקטלניים הקשים בזריקה זו.

 מאות רבנים וחכמי תורה חשובים אסרו באופן מוחלט על השימוש בה.

 הממשלה מנסה לדחוק הצידה את כל המומחים הללו, ומאיימת לדחוק ולהרחיק את כל היהודים, ששומעים לרבנים הללו בהתאם להלכה היהודית האמיתית.

זו מתקפה מזעזעת וחסרת תקדים על היהדות ועל הקהילה היהודית, המנסה לקרוע את עמנו לשני מחנות, הרוב נגד המיעוט. התורה מוכיחה אותנו "לא תתגודדו" - לא תעשו את עמנו אגודות אגודות - אל תפצלו את הקהילה היהודית למחנות נפרדים ומפולגים, שיאלצו יהודים לא מחוסנים להקים בתי כנסת משלהם.

 פלגנות חסרת בושה שכזו, לא נראתה מימי השבתאים והפרנקיסטין ימ"ש, וכעת הגיע הזמן של כולנו - גם אלה שנכנעו לזריקה וגם אלה שבשום אופן לא יכנעו לזריקה - להתכנס יחד למען הישרדות עמנו.

 אל תאפשרו להם לערער את עַרָכינו ולטעון ל"פיקוח נפש" כדי להצדיק את מעשיהם האפלים. זה בדיוק ההפך:

 פיקוח נפש של שישה מיליון יהודים תלוי בצורה מסוכנת, במיוחד בשל המתקפה הבלתי מרוסנת שלהם על אחדותנו, על דתנו, על חירותנו ועל זכויות הפרט.

 איננו יכולים לאפשר לפוליטיקאים להתפשר בפזיזות על שלימות התורה ושלימות העם ולהעמיד את כולנו בסכנה קיומית גדולה.

 לראש הממשלה ולממשלת ישראל אנו אומרים:

מספיק! ימי העריצת שלכם על עמנו, תמו. אנו דורשים להפסיק את המדיניות הבלתי נסבלת הזאת ואת דברי השנאה , הכפיה והאפליה. אנחנו לא נציית.

אתה לא תצליח, והצדק ייעשה.

ראה הוזהרת.

לעם ישראל אני מסכם:

בואו כולנו נחזק את האמונה והביטחון שלנו בבורא עולם ומנהיגו, ברופא כל בשר, כדי להגן עלינו מכל התחלואים והסיכונים, הן האמיתיים והן המדומיינים.

חזקו את מערכת החיסון שלכם בשיטות ריפוי טבעיות שנוסו והוכחו במשך מאות ואלפי שנים, לא באמצעות שתלים גנטיים שנוצרו בהיי-טק, שגורמים לקרישי דם, נזקים נוירולוגיים, בעיות רבייה ומוות.

הפסיקו לקיים את מדיניות האפרטהייד בחסות המדינה אשר מפרידה ביננו שלא בצדק ומרחיקה יהודים בריאים מבית הכנסת ומבית המדרש.

התנגדו, בשם התורה ולמען עם ישראל.

ובוודאי שה' יברך את מאמצינו ואת כוחנו המוסָרי, והאמת תגבר, שכן אמת מארץ תצמח - האמת תצמח לעולם כולו מהארץ,

כלומר מארצנו הקדושה, שעל ידי שמירת שלימות התורה ושלימות העם, תהיה לנו שלימות הארץ האמיתית, שלמותה הטריטוריאלית של ארצנו הקדושה, ובוודאי נזכה לבנין בית המקדש השלישי, ע"י משיח צדקנו יבוא ויגאלנו ויוליכנו קוממיות לארצנו, תיכף ומיד ממש.

Protest the Prime Minister's Hate Speech

On behalf of world Jewry, I must voice my most vehement protest to the shockingly divisive and insolent words spoken by Israel’s Prime Minister this past Thursday, and then brazenly reiterated yesterday.

At this perilous time, it is more critical than ever before in history to preserve the unity of our people at all costs.

We may NEVER exclude a Jew from entering a synagogue or study hall, or from participating in public prayer or Torah study, which is the inviolable birthright of every single Jew from infancy, תורה ציוה לנו משה מורשה קהילת יעקב, and even before that, from his mother’s womb, as saintly women in Jewish history regularly attended study halls so that their unborn fetuses could hear the sweet words of Torah study.

A synagogue is the home of every single Jew without exception. מה טובו אוהליך יעקב משכנותיך ישראל.

“How goodly are your tents, O Jacob, your dwelling places, O Israel.”

Our prayers are incomplete if even a single member of the community is excluded, and even sinners must join us in person in order for our prayers to be heard on high.

Any effort to exclude Jews from synagogue is a grave and unprecedented assault on the integrity and unassailable unity of the Jewish People, both in the Land of Israel and worldwide.

In their self-righteous hysteria for so-called public health, such foolhardy policies that attempt to divide and alienate fellow Jews only serves to jeopardize the actual health and security of Israel by violating the true secret of our strength, our unity.

Because of our sins we were exiled from our Land. מפני חטאינו גלינו מארצנו.

Such hate speech against fellow Jews serves only to perpetuate the reason we exiled in the first place, senseless hatred.

Not only is this an egregious assault on our unity, but it is a grave breach of Torah values. Attempting to prevent a Jew from attending synagogue or study hall reeks of a גזירת שמד, a decree against Torah observance.

As a lifelong emissary and disciple of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I must invoke his timeless words:

There are three שלימויות, three things whose completeness must be preserved no matter what:

1. Completeness of the People, שלימות העם

2. Completeness of the Torah, שלימות התורה

3. Completeness of the Land, שלימות הארץ

Such divisive rhetoric and unjust policy is denigrating and jeopardizing both שלימות העם AND שלימות התורה.

People of Israel:

Do not believe your compromised leadership and false prophets who promise you safety and a “return to normal” but only if you tolerate their tyranny, marginalization and abuse against individuals who refuse to comply with their unjust experimental injection.

Do not be fooled by the false sense of security that they promise you if you only will continue to comply.

They cannot and will not accomplish anything good by denigrating and being פוגע in שלימות העם and שלימות התורה.

Do not believe their lies and utter falsehoods. Do not accept their tyrannical policies that are based on skewed data, censorship, and suppression.

Hundreds of independent scientists and medical experts in Israel and worldwide, have cautioned against the grave mortal risks of this injection.

Hundreds of leading rabbanim and Torah scholars have categorically prohibited its use.

The despotic government is attempting to sideline all these experts, threatening to marginalize and alienate all the Jews who heed these rabbis in accordance with genuine Judaic law.

This is a shockingly unprecedented assault on Judaism and the Jewish community, attempting to rent asunder our people into two camps, the majority against the minority. The Torah exhorts us לא תתגודדו לא תעשוהו אגודות אגודות – do NOT split the Jewish community into separate camps at odds, forcing nonvaccinated Jews to form shuls of their own.

Such brazen divisiveness has not been seen since the dark days of Sabbateans and Frankists, may their names be erased, and it is now the time for all of us – both those who succumbed to injection and those who resist injection – to come together for the sake of the survival of our people.

DO not allow them to subvert our values and claim “pikuach nefesh” to justify their dark deeds. It’s PRECISELY the opposite:

Pikuach nefesh of six million Jews hangs perilously in the balance, specifically DUE to their unprecedented assault on our unity, our religion, our freedom, and on individual rights.

We cannot allow politicians to recklessly compromise on שלימות התורה and שלימות העם and put us all in great existential danger.

To the Prime Minister and the government of Israel, we say:

ENOUGH! Your days of tyrannizing our people is OVER. We demand an end to these intolerable policies and hate speech. We will NOT comply.

You will NOT succeed, and justice WILL be served.

You have been warned.

To the people of Israel, I conclude:

Let us all strengthen our Emunah and bitachon in בורא עולם ומנהיגו, in the Healer of all flesh, to protect us from all ailments and risks, both real and imagined

Strengthen your immune system with natural healing methods that have been tried and proven for centuries and millennia, not with high-tech genetic implants that cause blood clots, neurological damage, reproductive problems, and death.

STOP complying with state-sponsored apartheid policies that unjustly divide us and marginalize healthy Jews from synagogue and beit midrash.

Resist, in the name of the Torah and for the sake of Am Yisrael.

And surely Hashem will bless our efforts and our moral fortitude, and the truth prevail, since אמת מארץ תצמח – the truth with emerge to the entire world from THE Land, ארץ,

I.e. ארצנו הקדושה, our holy land, that by us preserving the integrity of שלימות התורה and שלימות העם, we will have true שלימות הארץ, territorial integrity of our holy land, and we’ll surely return to G-d’s Holy Home atop the Temple Mount, in the Third Beit Hamikdash, may it be rebuilt in the most immediate future. Amen.

Thursday, July 22, 2021

No Useless Human

There is not a single human being on earth who is “useless.”

Every individual has a “usefulness” of infinite value.

He or she has a unique personality, wisdom, and character, that no one else on earth possesses.

This individual reflects his or her Divine Creator in an inimitable and exclusive way. Consequently, every human being is indispensable, precious, and irreplaceable. 

There is nothing “useless” in this person’s eating, drinking, or breathing. G-d did not create this individual by mistake. There is a deep, inscrutable purpose in this person’s existence that no one could every fathom. In fact, the world could not possibly exist without this person’s existence.

Every breath that this individual exhales is giving back to the Cosmos. It’s a unique act of praise to his or her Creator that no one else can replicate, and no two breaths are the same.

The only thing that’s truly useless is the depraved attitude that deems any human being as a “useless eater.” Such irreverence is irredeemably perverse. It is the most egregious form of blasphemy and rejection of the Divine. Such foolish insolence is truly detestable and intolerable.

Proponents of this skewed and utterly useless attitude are truly the closest a human can get to true uselessness, but truth be told, there is some use even for such incorrigible degenerates. 

By repenting their evil ways, they can prove their worth. Otherwise, they are useful in serving as a bad example, in demonstrating just how incredibly prone a human is to error and fundamentally-flawed thinking. Their doom is likewise useful in causing G-d’s Name to be sanctified in the world. “When the wicked perish, there is joy.” [Proverbs 11:10]

So may all Your enemies perish, O G-d.  [Judges 5:31]

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The End Game is Here

It's time to wake up to reality, folks.

Pharma, medical mainstream, corporate USA, and the government, were always peddling depopulation.

We used to think that it was capitalism gone awry, i.e. that toxins recklessly were sneaked in to the food chain, drinking water, etc, not with specific intent to kill anyone, but in order to maximize profits. Herbal medicine, homeopathy, and healthier lifestyles, etc. were suppressed since no money could be made off it, we thought. Victims of all these toxins were unintended consequences of corporate greed, we were led to believe.

Thanks to "C0\/ID," we now know the truth.

Depopulation, or more accurately democide, has been the true agenda since day one. This agenda wasn’t borne in a vacuum.

It's not just about corporate profits, nor was it ever really about that. That was the smokescreen. We fell for it, but now we can easily discern the sobering reality. They're not even hiding it anymore.

There's an obvious agenda to poison the entire world population with a highly-toxic gene-altering implant designed to inflict mass carnage, and to inflict its survivors with sterilization, lifelong injury and total subjugation to their technocrat overlords.

It's clear as day, and whoever hasn't gotten the memo is either in denial suffering with "normalcy bias," blissfully ignorant, fully indoctrinated, or already in the early stages of zombification.

My friends. This is a war of survival. We have awakened late to the game. While we've been asleep at the wheel, our enemies have been working on this for decades and perhaps centuries. But that's okay because we are armed with a secret weapon that will obliterate them. Truth be told, they are already in their death throes, and they know it. That's why they're making this final deadly assault.

We will defeat them because we are armed with truth, the immutable truth of our Divine Creator. Our awesome Power is indestructible, indefatigable, unstoppable, and invincible. Our Guardian never sleeps nor slumbers.

They may succeed in murdering some of us – tragically – but they will fail in their objective, just like all depraved tyrants of the past.

Even their successes are not their own. Evil does not exist independently of G-d.

The only reason they have ever managed to murder any of us, whether by their decades of relentless environmental toxins, fluoride, radiation, deliberately reckless medical policies, thalidomide glyphosates, DDT, adjuvants, opioids, DDT, and now modified mRNA, recombinant DNA, polyethylene glycol, ethylene oxide and graphene oxide, etc, is ONLY because our Divine Creator so willed it. The moment He says enough, they are finished.

And that moment in time has come.

Satan is but an angel who does his bidding like all other angels. Their obsession with Satan will not help them, and besides, Satan isn’t even on their team.

They have attempted to subvert our values, to infiltrate our religious institutions, to poison the minds of  our young with G-dless debased ideologies, to divide our families and destabilize family life. They have monopolized the narrative and control minds with their depraved media… but they are losing ground and they know it. That’s why they’re frantically trying to censor, silence, and suppress dissent. Their desperation is palpable.

We must resist this existential threat at all costs.

We must end our dependency on their pharmaceutical products, and we must wean ourselves off their corporate supply line. Instead, let’s return to the earth by growing our own food and supporting local farmers who eschew toxic fertilizers and pesticides. 

Let’s brainstorm ways to stop them from poisoning our air and waterways.

Discover the joys of natural healing and healthy living.

Turn off the TV for good and let them know about it. Throw away your i-Phone and find alternatives. Let’s wean ourselves off Big Tech which has violated our trust and co-opted our rights.

Take your kids OUT of public schools and compromised private schools, and instead create your own local home school co-ops, yeshivas and Talmud Torahs. Let’s end our dependency on government.

Stop complying with their illegal and unlawful policies.

Reach out to neighbors and friends and educate them.

Let’s create new communities that will NOT comply with this sinister agenda in any way.

Don’t despair, and don’t give up hope.

The end is near, and the finish-line is close.

Good WILL prevail over evil. It always does in the end.

“For G-d will NOT forsake His people, nor will He desert His inheritance.” [Ps 94:14]

Remember the Lord is our fortress, and G-d is the rock of our refuge. [ibid 22]

The time to act is NOW. No more sleeping.

Wake up your family and friends.

Do it for your children. Do it for humanity.

Do it for Klal Yisrael and prat Yisrael.

Assert your freedom. Protect your children. Take ownership of your health. Declare your independence. Redeem your mind from their indoctrination, fear-mongering, and falsehood.

Take back the narrative. Take back your neighborhoods, communities, cities and states.

Together, let’s bring Redemption NOW.

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Rebbe and the Covid Vaccine



Did the Rebbe endorse vaccines? And if so, shouldn't all Chabad adherents support the covid vaccine?


No, the Rebbe did not endorse all vaccines, but only certain vaccines under certain conditions that no longer exist, especially not with regard to the novel covid shot. Consequently, true Chabad adherents should all oppose this so-called vaccine.


The Rebbe approved of a vaccine ONLY when it was:

1) voluntary;

2) known to be incontrovertibly safe;

3) produced by a reputable company that bore full liability for its product;

4) purporting to protect a child from an illness that posed actual and quantifiable risk to this child, NOT for so-called "herd immunity" (a secular and foreign concept that the Rebbe never acknowledged or even hinted at, and which has no basis in Judaic Law);

5) based on the information that was known (from presumably independent sources) at that time;

6) wasn’t being used a divisive tool to justify:

a) banning children from Talmud Torah;

b) alienating healthy individuals and families from their communities;

c) barring healthy women from using the mikva;

d) expelling healthy individuals from shul;

e) imposing shocking apartheid policies à la Kamtsa Bar Kamtsa;

f) sowing discord and dividing families;

g) causing unprecedented dissention and jeopardizing marriages;

h) dividing communities into a caste system of “vaccinated” vs “unvaccinated” (agudos agudos) [1]

7) it wasn’t part of a policy that declared religion “non-essential” and unjustly shut down shuls, yeshivos, Talmud Torahs, banned bikur cholim, hachnosas orchim, public sedarim, chasunos, levayos, and many other essential and non-negotiable Judaic observances;

8) it wasn’t part of a policy that held entire communities hostage, condemned elders to languish in solitude, isolated individuals from their families and loved ones, forced children into isolation and forced them to sit in front of computer screens all day for many months, unjustly prevented human beings worldwide from leading healthy productive lives with other human beings, “לשבת יצרה -- He did not create it a waste, But formed it for habitation" [2]

9) it wasn’t being pushed with unprecedented censorship of dissenting expert views;

10) its “emergency use authorization” wasn’t based on skewed data, fraudulent testing, and suppression of effective therapies whose safety is well-established for many decades.


Do you now understand why the Rebbe would not approve of the so-called covid vaccine? Does it even need to be spelled out?

Okay, for the sake of clarity, here goes:

This vaccine is:

1) compulsory, a grave violation of body sovereignty;

2) unsafe, with dozens of thousands of deaths reported worldwide (and millions of reported injuries);

3) produced by convicted felons who have been sheltered from all liability for their vaccine products;

4) does not protect the recipient from an illness that poses any actual or credible risk to him, but instead is claimed to be necessary for so-called "herd immunity" (a secular and foreign concept that the Rebbe never acknowledged or even hinted at, and which has no basis in Judaic Law);

5) is based on state-sponsored and pharma-funded claims that are not corroborated by independent sources;

6) is being used as a divisive tool to justify:

a) banning children from Talmud Torah;

b) alienating healthy individuals and families from their communities;

c) barring healthy women from using the mikva;

d) expelling healthy individuals from shul;

e) imposing shocking apartheid policies à la Kamtsa Bar Kamtsa;

f) sowing discord and dividing families;

g) causing unprecedented dissention and jeopardizing marriages;

h) dividing communities into a caste system of ‘vaccinated” vs “unvaccinated” (agudos agudos

7) is part of a policy that declared the Jewish religion “non-essential” and unjustly shut down shuls, yeshivos, Talmud Torahs, banned bikur cholim, chasunos, levayos, and many other essential and non-negotiable Judaic observances;

8) is part of a policy that held entire communities hostage, condemned elders to languish in solitude, isolated individuals from their families and loved ones, forced children into isolation and forced them to sit in front of computer screens all day for many months, unjustly prevented human beings worldwide from leading healthy productive lives with other human beings, “לשבת יצרה”, and threatens to do so again at any time in the future, at the government’s slightest whim;

9) is being pushed with unprecedented censorship of dissenting expert views;

10) only has “emergency use authorization” that’s based on skewed data, fraudulent testing, and suppression of effective therapies whose safety is well-established for many years;

and most essentially:

11) isn’t really a vaccine at all but a novel genetic technology that has never before been used on the population.

It is abundantly evident that the Rebbe would deem this “vaccine” categorically forbidden and would highly discourage its use for anyone, especially not for children and young adults.

We cannot allow the Rebbe’s opinion of the Salk Vaccine of the 50s to be misconstrued as a carte-blanch approval of all nominal vaccines of all times, especially not the dubious product under discussion that's a "vaccine in name only." The mere suggestion is utter falsehood and a perverse distortion of everything holy. [3]

Instead, heed the Rebbe’s timeless words to gather ALL yidden for Torah study and prayer, and see to it that EVERY single child attend Talmud Torah together with his peers, and to increase in INDISCRIMINATE acts of goodness and kindness to EVERY single human being to hasten the true and complete redemption, and to start living in a redeemed mindset of Geulah, a time when all subjugation to secular governments will CEASE for all times. [4]

Taking the covid shot is the very epitome of golus (exile), subjugation to nations, [5] שעבוד מלכיות.

Say YES to redemption and NO to covid shots.

Let’s heed the Rebbe’s actual wishes by protecting our children and all tinokos shel beis rabban, by insisting on the inviolable and non-negotiable unity of our people (“shleimus ha’am”), and by shielding oneself and others from this dubious shot at all costs. By doing so, we’ll be demonstrating true Redemption, freedom from tyranny and freedom to serve Hashem, complete in body and soul, gezunterheit un freilicherheit, in the true and complete Redemption. May it be right NOW.


[1] Yevamos 14a, based on Deut. 14:1

[2] Isaiah 45:18

[3] The Rebbe once famously remarked in 1991, after several individuals had deliberately misinterpreted his words: "די וואס שפילן זיך מיט מיינע ווערטער הויבן זיך אן מיט מיר אליין -- Those who misconstrue my words are starting up with me personally."

[4] See sicha of Shabbos Parshas Balak 5751 and elsewhere.

[5] Rambam, Mishne Torah, Laws of Kings and King Moshiach, chapter 12:2.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Stop Trusting Govt to Keep You Safe

A teachable moment for legislators:

Yesterday the "Joint Committee on Public Health" of our Massachusetts state legislature held a public virtual hearing. Numerous draconian bills on the agenda, including another shameless legislative effort to eliminate religious exemption to vaccination in egregious violation of our First Amendment.

Of course, I fulfilled my civic duty and testified in opposition to this illegal bill.

Several days ago, when I signed up to testify, I was assured that the email address I was asked to submit would be kept private.

Lo and behold, today the entire list of all emails of people who had testified was somehow leaked, and someone sent an email to this entire list. Since that first email, I've been receiving emails from this list literally ALL DAY LONG. It seems that there are some 400 or 500 emails on this list, including dozens of legislators who were present at the virtual meeting.

Numerous annoyed people emailed the group: “PLEASE REMOVE ME FROM LIST” with some choice expletives I will not divulge.

I could not resist and emailed the following to all the hundreds of people whose emails had been breached, including all the legislators:

Dear All,

This email-list-breach fiasco is a great example why the government should NEVER be trusted to keep anyone safe.

They can't even keep our emails safe.

Keep the state OUT of our personal medical decisions. Sheesh.


Rabbi Michoel Green 

Westborough, MA

When Doctors Parrot Policy

From a letter by the Lubavitcher Rebbe in 1977:

The most essential point (to put it differently):

The doctor's opinion is decisive -- according to Judaic law -- when he speaks as a doctor (based on medical factors or life-saving measures). 

If, however, he states his opinion as a state official or politician (based on political considerations), that according to his opinion, they (i.e. those political considerations) outweigh and eclipse the medical factors -- this is the opposite of the ruling of the Code of Jewish Law.

This, my friends, is the crux of the covid issue.

Doctors who endorse the covid vaccine are not experts in vaccine safety or toxicology, but are merely parroting the "public health policy" determined by state officials. Consequently, they are communicating their opinion based on POLICY, i.e. political considerations, not on actual science.

Their opinion is irrelevant from a Judaic standpoint.

Monday, July 12, 2021

Logical Fallacies of Covid

What's worse? Covid or its vaccine?

This question has obvious ramifications.

Which is preferable? Exposure to risk of injection or exposure to risk of infection?

The media and medical mainstream will have us believe that the disease is far deadlier than the vaccine, and that consequently the alleged benefit of protection from covid outweighs the relatively small risk of the vaccine.

However, this is a specious comparison that has no basis in objective reality.

In Judaism, the question doesn't even begin. It's a non-sequitur of sorts.

It is categorically forbidden to expose oneself to the risk of the vaccine, irrespective of its alleged benefit of mitigating risk factor of infection.

It makes no difference if the alleged death toll from covid is indeed higher than the reported death toll from its vaccine. [1]

Statistical risk to a population has no bearing on actual risk to an individual, which is what Judaism is concerned with.

Are you confused?

Let me explain:

It's misleading and deceptive to suggest weighing the "potential risks" of the injection against the “potential risk” of contracting the alleged disease.

The only risk that Judaic law acknowledges is present risk to this individual, not statistical risk to a population.

The disease has no established risk factor in front of us to consider:

1. the healthy individual in question has survived 16 months of the alleged pandemic and likely has natural immunity;

2. there’s no empirical evidence that human-to-human transmission was ever a factor in the causation of COVID symptoms, and certainly not asymptomatic transmission;

3. most importantly, there’s no evidence of any human contagion here and now, but only theoretical potential contagion whose speculative presence cannot be verified.

This degree of speculative risk does not fall under the halachic rubric of “a doubt involving mortal danger” (“ספק סכנת נפשות” in rabbinic parlance). [2]

Consequently, the risk factor of the current coronavirus does not rise to the level of “a doubt concerning mortal risk” in the context of Judaic Law.

In contrast, the mortal risk of the injection is well-established and present in the little harmless-looking vial you are considering injecting into yourself:

1. VAERS reports 9,048 deaths following the shot in the US alone in the past six months, and well over half a million serious injuries. In comparison to data from recent years, death following the covid vaccine would list among the top 40 causes of death in the United States. More people died in a half year after the covid vaccine than all deaths from strangulation, drownings, obesity, or skin cancer in 2017; [3]

2. Numerous expert physicians testified about dire side effects that their patients suffered in the immediate aftermath of taking the covid vaccine, including lifelong injury and death.

When considering the real and established risks of injection versus the potential risks of the disease, there is no reasonable comparison.

Judaic Law is clear. One may NOT expose himself to a present and established risk of the injection (“קביע היזקא” in halachic terms) in order to avoid a theoretical future risk which is not present and whose risk factor cannot be established. Doing so constitutes reckless self-endangerment prohibited by halacha.

It is a grave error to compare established and present risk of an injection to the theoretical, potential future risk of a disease.

This is why the Lubavitcher Rebbe only approved of vaccines with the crucial caveat that they must be incontrovertibly safe and reliable. Never did he suggest that injuries or deaths resulting from a vaccine should be tolerated if the alleged death toll of the disease is higher. Moreover, in 1992, when there were reports of injuries after a vaccine in Montreal, the Rebbe negated its use by deferring to a local rav who took the cue and banned it.

How much more so with regards to covid in which the disease or condition poses negligible risk to the vast majority of the population, while the injection has resulted in significant numbers of deaths and serious injuries among age groups that have little or no risk from covid.

The halacha is unequivocal. Avoid this injection at all costs.

“Guard your soul scrupulously.” [4]

Dissuade others from getting it and certainly do not assist anyone to receive this risky injection.

“Stand not over your brother’s blood.” [5]


[1] In reality, the number of alleged covid mortalities was significantly inflated -- by the CDC's own admission --while the actual number of vaccine deaths is significantly underreported. A recent Harvard study revealed that VAERS only represents between 1-10% of actual vaccine injuries.

[2] That’s why autopsies are prohibited in Judaic law, even though they might yield vital information that could potentially save the life of someone with this condition in the future. Halacha does NOT permit us to desecrate a human body NOW when the mortal risk to a living patient is not present at this time, but exists only in potentia and at a future time.

Preventing illness in the future is not considered a current exigency of pikuach nefesh. See Noda B’yehuda mahadura tinyono Yoreh Deah 210, cited by Mishne Halachos (Rabbi Menashe Klein), Mador Hateshuvos, 6:203, prohibiting autopsy of fetus (nivul hamais) even if it's to save a future life. See also Mahadura tinyono, 2:253.

That’s also why it’s forbidden to kill a spider on Shabbat when it’s crawling on the floor, even though one in a thousand people were at mortal risk from eating a spider that crawled into their food. (Shulchan Aruch Orach Chayim 316, Magen Avraham 23, Shulchan Aruch Harav ibid).

Conversely, childbirth is considered a potentially-life-threatening situation, so Shabbos may be violated for the needs of a birthing mother, even though the mortality rate was even less than one in a thousand (ibid 330:1).

The difference is obvious. The spider hasn’t fallen into the food, but is crawling around elsewhere. One may not kill it, since even in event it falls into the food, the risk factor would be a mere one in a thousand. Conversely, a birthing mother is presently experiencing a condition which can potentially result in death, even in less than one in a thousand cases, but that present condition allows us to violate Shabbos on her behalf.

[3] From December 14, 2020 until July 2, 2021, 9,048 deaths have been reported in the US. That roughly averages to 45.5 deaths per day. It this rate continues, there will be 16,600 deaths by December 2021. In that scenario, the covid vaccine would rank among the top 29 causes of death in the United States.

[4] Deuteronomy 4:9,15.

[5] Leviticus 19:16.

Friday, July 9, 2021

First They Came for the Anti-Vaxxers

First they banned the anti-vaxxer’s kids. I did not speak out because I was not anti-vax.

Then they banned the anti-maskers, but I didn’t speak out since I wasn’t anti-mask.

Then they suspended religious freedom but I didn’t speak out because I wasn't religious.

Then they censored & canceled doctors (& rabbis) who opposed covid policy, but I did not speak out because I did not oppose covid policy.

Then they force-injected students and store employees but I didn’t speak out because I was not a student or store employee.

Then they came to force-inject me but there was no one left to speak for me.


Then they came to cancel me but there was no one left to be canceled.